Many were more than a little amused by the warning to the public from West Yorkshire police due to the pending release of over 60 burglars prior to Christmas. Police advised that people should be vigilant and secure their properties with 64 individuals being released to residential addresses in the Leeds area.
What a statement, and what an admission of failure. People it seems should make prisoners of themselves in their homes to protect themselves from people who should be in prison. Why do I sometimes get the feeling that we are living our lives in a David Attenborough nature documentary. You know the type of thing - the one we've seen countless times - the African wildebeest is struggling along with his day as the voracious predator watches and finally strikes with the inevitable kill. Lets face it, as the public, we really only represent a vulnerable prey for predator criminals who attack us at will, and to their best advantage, and regardless of the cost to innocent victims.
But the strange thing is how the State is prepared to facilitate this. The extent of the crime problem and the numbers of victims seems to make no impression on our politicians - the only ones in a position to do something about it. Ever think of incremental sentencing ? A sentencing system where the more crime you do the more jail you do. Is it a difficult concept or what ? You are before the courts for your fortieth burglary, and it is treated the same as your first, second or third. How about adding on a year for every previous conviction of a similar type. It probably wouldn't make any difference to a criminals desire to rehabilitate, but it would mean that while they spend more time locked up in prison, they spend less time robbing.
Hark! I hear the cry of a pseudo liberal: "Prison does not work." And that is something I wouldn't even pause to debate. Except to say - well as an example - criminal X carried out 20 burglaries in 2010. He has spent all of 2011 in prison, and in that time he has not carried out any burglaries. Yep. That seems to work.
You see, there is always something here to cheer the festive mood. What would Christmas be without a smattering of insanity ? So there is your fix for the moment. Naturally, what I am going to suggest - and it's not too late yet - is to take advantage of one of our cheap
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