Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year ~ with New London Hotel Theatre Breaks

A new year almost here, and with a list of new resolutions.

If you are in a dither as to what resolutions to make - especially as you already know that you will break most of them - then do what I did some years ago. Make a resolution not to make anymore New Year resolutions. Honestly, this is the only resolution I ever kept. Now I can admire my new strength of character, so different from my old brittle, weak-willed nature of former years. Oh yeh.

I think at this time as the old year ends, it is important to take stock of ourselves ...... who are you essentially as a person? Self-exploration is good, and over many years I struggled to develop insight into myself and tried to understand my faults. After a long time, I finally pushed all the delusional stuff aside, and realised I didn't have any. It is good to have that clarity at last.

Try it. A new year may not mean a new you, but it could mean a different you. Would that be good? I think there is no harm finding out. Emphasise the virtues and positive facets of your character, and if it doesn't work out you can change it all around the following year. That is the great thing with every New Year. It's a new start every 12 months.

But for 2013, at least, here is a sincere wish for a Happy and Bright New Year. 

Oh!  And not to forget, the last offer for this year  -  

London Theatre Hotels special offers

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